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Schema Conversion Tool

About Schema Conversion Tool.

What is the BigQuery Schema Conversion Tool?

The BigQuery Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) is a tool provided by Thelogicplus.com to facilitate the migration of database schemas to BigQuery. Below is an overview of its general functionalities:

Main Features:

  1. Schema Conversion:

    The SCT assists in converting schemas from various database management systems (DBMS) such as Teradata, Amazon Redshift, or SQL Server to a schema format compatible with BigQuery.

  2. Automatic Code Translation:

    It might offer capabilities for automatically translating stored procedures, views, functions, or other database objects into syntax compatible with BigQuery.

  3. Assessment and Optimization:

    The tool might provide an assessment of the migration process, identifying potential issues or conflicts during migration and suggesting optimizations or best practices for the migrated schema.

  4. User Interface:

    It may offer a user-friendly interface or a command-line interface to facilitate the migration process, providing step-by-step guidance or automation options for schema conversion.

  5. Compatibility and Mapping:

    Includes features to map data types, functions, and procedures from the source database to their corresponding equivalents or alternatives in BigQuery.

  6. Migration Workflow Support:

    Supports different workflow stages of migration, from initial assessment and planning to schema conversion and post-migration validation.

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